Beiträge von yannmrt

    The issue might happen due to several causes. First, it depends if the barrier is already fully closed when you're arriving. If the barrier is still moving (and therefore the collision trigger moving as well) the vehicle might be already at a point where it won't detect the collision blocker anymore. Second, in AD you can select the height point of the collision detection of your vehicle in the configuration menu. So you could try to play with this setting - also you'll need to have the collision detection enabled in the config menu. This might be vehicle specific depending if and how the original modder of the vehicle defined the "AI traffic collision" reference point. Last but not least depending on the speed of your vehicle and its ability to break down to a full stop (depending on its own weight and the weight of the attached / filled trailer....) it still might crash into the barrier....

    Conclusion: If you need to make sure, that no vehicle is crashing in to the barrier, you might use the mod "loco stop" - so the normal trains aren't driving by themself. For the routes of the 2 decoration trains you can delete the AD waypoints at those crossings. If you do so, there are still two ways left (at the southwest and southeast of the map) where your vehicles are "crossing" the train routes using bridges, so they then will have to drive a bit longer due to the detour but then you won't have to worry anymore about crashing... ;)

    Thank you for all those explanation

    Good day,

    first of all sorry I don't speak German and read the forum via Google translate.

    I 'm on Oberthal ( and with AD ( and the truck or tractor doesn't stop when the railroad barrier are down. look like is not see the barrier and crach on it.

    Do you know where is the problem ?
