Extended seasons support

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Bitte auch angeben, in welchem Level Ihr spielt und ob SP oder MP.

Ohne Log kein Support!!!
  • That's a pity. Latest release of Seasons, version 1.1.0, added snow contracts. This is pretty cool as you can grab a mission to remove snow from some areas and make some winter money. Also it makes winter a bit less slow season for the game. For all realism-oriented players I would like to vote for that! Shouldn't be that complicated to add to the map, but I won't bet my head on it.

    Some more info you can find in Seasons Git repository and way more on their Slack, like:

    Also, a Salt factory would be great. Maybe production with Lime (Kalk)?

    • Let start with a simple thing - some of the road signs are like a wall when you hit them, and some are just like a ghost and you can drive through them.
    • On the left top corner of the map AutoDrive and CoursePlay go nuts because of some strange elevation issue...
    • I would love to remove those grass and hay bale storage area next to fertilizer/lime/seed silos. Just an empty area so I can put some of my mods there...
    • Snow missions would be awesome. But even more a non-leaking buildings would be even better - it's really annoying to see wipers and rain going through when it rains...
    • A house you can sleep in... well, would be nice

    And that is just top of my head.

    Also, a strange thing with Saxony - after a playing for a while the save is really, really slow. I have a powerfull workhorse of a computer here, like Ryzen 3900X, 64GB of RAM and RTX2800Ti... and yet the save, after some time of playing the map, can take like 2 minutes. Each. Very slow. I am not sure if it is the map or just the game itself, but I cannot observe as bad behavior on other maps...

  • OK, I learned few things and I would be happy to help out with some updates to both Saxonia and MultiMap - how can I contribute? Do you have a GitHub repo or something?