No sale at Logistic Centre

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  • Hi Guys

    When I sell something to the logistic center, I don't get paid but I can unload it and buy it back?

    I just dropped off a load of beer from the brewery and the logistic center took it but didnt pay me, but I could press R and pay for it, but I dont find it anywhere?

    What am I doing wrong?

  • the LC is also a warehouse to store and not for sale on the premises there is a sales trigger for sale only there you can do it

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Lets explain a bit - just copy / paste of my answer in the LSMC forum where you posted the same question. :)

    If you want to sell things (selling station) at the logistic center, you'll have to use the selling station. The logistic center consists of several parts. You'll find 2 buildings with ramps north of the street - south of the street you'll find the "cooling" building of the LC for goods which needs cooling to stay fresh. All 3 buildings are just storage buildings where you can store your goods to sell them later or to get them back later if needed. So if you for example put some pallets of your particular goods, they will be stored and after a short time they are available again for pickup at the same ramp. Just not as "pallets" anymore but bullk material - so you will need a bulk trailer (for example the Fruehauf) to get them back from the LC. Also that way you can buy goods at the ramp (as usual in Global Company) and shortly thereafter you can pickup your goods from the ramp.

    If you want to sell something at the LC, you'll have to drive between the two "north" buildings. There you'll find the selling station where you can sell all things available to be sold at the LC in order to get money for.

    Hope that explains where to find the Logistic Center selling station and what the other parts of the LC are for and how it works.

  • Ah ok. I saw the selling bit, but it looked like it was just for grain with the grid over it.

    I think I have the fruehauf trailer already, I'll give that a go.
    Many thanks for your help